Gluteus medius/minimus repair

Austin Chen MD > Hip Treatments > Gluteus medius/minimus repair

The gluteus medius and minimus are muscles in the buttock and are situated on the outer surface of the hip. They assist with pelvic stability, hip abduction (leg separation) and internal/external rotation of the hip. The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are muscles which are important for motion and stability of the hip joint. In some cases the tendinous attachment of these muscles can detach at their insertion site, undergo degeneration or tear. This injury to the tendon can result in hip weakness, pain, and/or disability. Boulder, Colorado orthopedic hip specialist, Dr. Austin Chen specializes in numerous hip conditions, including gluteus medius and minimus tears.

What is a gluteus medius/minimus repair surgery?

When conservative treatments fail, Dr. Austin Chen may suggest a gluteus medius/minimus repair surgery using an arthroscopic technique. During surgery, Dr. Chen will use small incisions to remove irritated, inflamed and damaged tissue. Then the torn gluteus medius or minimus tendon will be reattached using sutures. Additionally, if necessary, the iliotibial band may also be released to decrease pain associated with inflamed bursal issue.

What is the recovery from a gluteus medius/minimus repair surgery?

Following a gluteus medius/minimus repair, most patients will return home that day. Dr. Austin Chen will recommend a strict recovery regime that involves 6 weeks of restricted weight bearing with crutches or an assisted device and 6 weeks in a hip brace. Physical therapy can be completed through the Boulder Centre for Orthopedics Physical Therapy Center, which offers all patients complete and seamless recovery care.

Are you a candidate for a gluteus medius/minimus repair surgery?