PRP Injections (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

A Platelet-Rich Plasma injection is a type of non-surgical treatment that has been shown to potentially speed up the healing process of an injury. PRP injections have become well known as many famous athletes have received PRP injections for various sports related injuries. Some athletes have credited PRP with their being able to return more quickly to competition. Dr. Austin Chen, Orthopedic shoulder, hip and knee specialist is available to discuss the possibility of using PRP injections for a patient’s individual case and condition.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

Blood is primary made up of a liquid called plasma, but it is also composed of red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets help clot blood and are made up of hundreds of proteins called growth factors. It is their growth factors that are used to help heal injuries. PRP is essentially plasma, but with more growth factors than what is found in our blood. The concentration can be 5 to 10 times richer, which is what makes it such a beneficial aid in healing.

To create PRP, Dr. Austin Chen or hs medical assistant will draw blood from the patient. The platelets are then separated from the other blood cells through a process called centrifugation. As a result, the platelet concentration is increased. At that point it is mixed back in with the remaining blood to create the final PRP solution.

How does PRP injections work?

Although it is not exactly clear how PRP injections work, laboratory studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP can potentially speed up the healing process. Dr. Chen uses PRP injections in one of two ways. It can be injected directly into the injured area. From there it may take a week or two for the patient to feel pain relief from the injection. Dr. Chen may also choose to use PRP injections to expedite the healing time after a surgical procedure. This is done by preparing the PRP in a special way and stitching it directly into the torn tissue.

What conditions can benefit from PRP injections?

The following are just some of the conditions and injuries that may benefit from PRP injections:

  • Chronic tendon injuries
  • Acute ligament and muscle injuries
  • Knee arthritis
  • Fractures