
November 28, 2018

Patient Satisfaction

Thank you for the successful operation on my knee - it was a very tenuous time & knowing I would make a full recovery along with the clear explanation prior to the procedure eased the scariness. I look forward to continue PT with the Centre - Marc & Caryn are top-notch, much like everyone else in the Surgery Center, Ortho clinic, & PT office. Thank you Dr. Chen & assistants for the amazing care.

Physical Therapy

Dr. Austin Chen believes that physical therapy is a vital component to the healing process after injury or following orthopedic and surgical interventions. That is why Dr. Austin Chen’s office at the Boulder Centre for Orthopedics has a physical therapy office right in the building. That way all patients have seamless care from surgery through recovery.

Preparing for After Surgery

After you return home from surgery, it is best to be prepared for your recovery. Your daily life may look a bit differently, and you may encounter some challenges that you did not have before. Simple daily tasks like going to the bathroom, showering, getting in and out of bed, and making food may be difficult depending on your type of surgery. For these reasons, it is important to prepare so that your recovery is as seamless as possible. Here...

Preparing for Surgery

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Initial Consultation

We know your time with Dr. Austin Chen is important, so in order to make it the most effective here are a few things to help you to prepare for it.